ActiveX Controls for Enterprise Application Design


Add modern Outlook Bar navigation features to new and existing applications quickly and economically.
ctxListBar is a 32 / 64 bit ActiveX multi-column navigation component capable of displaying sets of sliding lists, each list containing its own group of items. 
ctxListBar - 64 Bit Unicode ActiveX - Outlook Bar control list images more items button
List items may be text and/or an image (icons or bitmaps). ctxListBar offers direct navigation of sliding lists and selecting items in view. Navigation buttons automatically appear for easy navigation of all list items.

Multiple Columns
- Offer end-users direct navigation with multiple columns.

Host other Objects - Enhance application functionality by hosting other objects within the list portion of ctxListBar. 

Control Style Property -  By changing just one property, cascade those new style settings throughout the control for consistent presentations. 

Horizontal and Vertical -  Unique, yet simple presentation options with vertical or horizontal orientation.

Images for List Bars - Assign images to the list bars from the internal Image List which can store 100 individual images.

ctxListBar - 64 Bit Unicode ActiveX - Vertical Outlook Bar control with list image size
Modern Styles and Themes - Enhance presentations with current Windows styles including the list background, list bars and navigation buttons. Stock styles are included or customize and add your own corporate branding.
Masked Bitmaps - The control provides support for masking bitmaps - a great feature for easily managing images and maintaining a consistent presentation. Masked bitmaps appear to have transparent backgrounds. Transparent areas of a bitmap will be masked by the MaskColor property of the control.   
ctxListBar - 64 Bit Unicode ActiveX - Outlook Bar control with list image styles
ListBar Mouse Over Color - As the mouse moves over an areas of the control change the appearance of that zone. For list items the control provides OverBackColor, OverFont, OverStyle, and OverTextColor properties for custom presentations.   
ctxListBar - 64 Bit Unicode ActiveX - Outlook Bar control List and Image presentations Image Backgrounds - Create your own diverse backgrounds with user defined images. 

Text Options
- The control provides embedded support for assigning and customizing the text strings used for List Bars and List Items.  Set one or any combination of 15 properties to
create a perfect presentation. 

Smooth Scrolling
- Smooth scrolling option as new lists are selected. 

Tool Tips - Support for tool tips for list items. Word Wrap - Text in a list item can be wrapped.

Mouse Over and Select Status - Diverse images, fonts, and colors for each item when the mouse moves over an item, or when an item is selected.  
Selected Items - Developers can mark a selected Item along with Text Alignment within the list bars and list items.
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Product Highlights  -  Controls found in Studio Controls COM 64
  ctxCalendar ctxDropDate ctxHTML ctxPrint  
  ctxCheck ctxDropMenu ctxImage ctxSlide  
  ctxColor ctxExplorerBar ctxListbar ctxSplit  
  ctxCombo ctxFile ctxListView ctxTabs  
  ctxContact ctxFold ctxMEdit ctxText  
  ctxDate ctxFont ctxMeter ctxTips  
  ctxDEdit ctxFrame ctxNavBar ctxToolbar  
  ctxDial ctxGauge ctxNEdit ctxTreeView  
  ctxDigit ctxGroup ctxPanel ctxYear  
    What's Included Licensing Options Feature Highlights ActiveX COM Products
    Royalty Free Distribution > Single Developer Latest Windows Styles > Solutions Schedule COM 64
    Detailed documentation > Five Developer Data view Progress Bars > Studio Controls COM 64
  Sample Applications > Site License Hit Test Methods  
  - Access, VB, VFP DBI Platform Product > Solutions Schedule COM
  - Compiled / Executables > What's New Data presentation tools > Studio Controls COM
  - Source Code Samples Custom Navigation  
    Annual component updates Fast, Intuitive component-based  programming .NET | XAML Controls
Annual product upgrades > Studio Controls .NET
  Direct Access to Support   Access Licensing Support > Solutions Schedule .NET
  24 hour Activations Current Windows Styles > Solutions Schedule WPF
  Online License Management Windows 10 certified > DBI Calendar WPF
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