xAIgent.net supporting Doc-Tags, The Document Index Generator, SEO Assistant and Help Me Study; Solutions Schedule and Studio Controls

  N E W S   B U L L E T I N 

  Studio Controls .NET
  Gantt style Project Management
  Tech Tips
Special Offer Ending
  Coming Up
  Southwest Fox 2024

xAIgent Tagging Knowledge Management


DBI Technologies Announces  xAIgent.net
It's not surprising why so many senior people across all industry mark November on their calendars - Knowledge Management World - to see how better to manage the volumes of content their organization amasses.

Looking back on last year's event, there was an underlying theme that almost every technology conversation engaged... "how do I manage this massive elephant in our organization?" (one byte at a time - would be a natural first response, jokingly of course) Using one of the proficient KM solutions presented on the Exhibit floor, sure - but really the question being asked was, "I don't know what all of these documents are, how the knowledge flowing into our organization on a daily basis relates to other content, if at all. What relevance does all of this unstructured data have to our enterprise objectives today? These were questions many conference goers were and are still grappling with.

How do you make sense of volumes of unstructured data so it can be managed appropriately without imposing an undue burden in the process? Tagging. Automated Content Tagging. xAIgent.

Once a content file has been appropriately tagged with its own set of contextually accurate and relevant tags - then you can start to understand how to manage that knowledge. The ability to understand where those relationships belong and the impact they make (or not) on current enterprise goals.

Similar to fine-tuning the data of LLM's, an appropriately tagged unstructured content file becomes structured with specific purpose in relation to all other content being managed. Tagged data becomes optimized in context of itself and with relevance, giving the knowledge management systems the benefit of fine-tuned inputs for truly exacting results.

Find out more at https://xAIgent.net

Recently -  Studio Controls .NET v1.7 Released

Special Feature highlight - dbiDate v5.0 with animated calendar transitions

Studio Contols .NET v1.7 -  New Animated Transitions and more...

  *  New Navigation Button features  

 *  Including many other component updates    
 *  See... https://www.dbi-tech.com/ProductPage_StudioControls.NET.aspx    

Solutions Schedule Project Management Sample App

    We have discussed development of scheduling applications in terms of Multiple Resources and Enterprise Resource Planning.  In that context, often one resource and the activity it represents is not dependant upon another resource or activity, which makes Enterprise Resource Planning and Scheduling different from gantt based project management.
Solutions Schedule - Project Management Sample App
In the next releases of Solutions Schedule (COM, .NET, Core) you will find a new source code sample included. One that demonstrates how developers can exercise Solutions Schedule for drag and drop project management and maintaining data within the control.  
Solutions Schedule

Tech Tip - Optimize Queries with Solutions Schedule .NET

      We often come across unique reporting needs, such as querying a resource plan or an existing schedule for reporting all scheduled service calls for districts 5 and 6 between 6:00am and 9:00am for instance, and we want to do so expeditiously.   
      In this How To we demonstrate one approach for optimizing fast reporting of appointment / time bar (schedule appointment) details implemented with Solutions Schedule for .NET.    
  Solutions Schedule .NET v9 - Optimize Reporting  


Tech Tip - Working with xAIgent

xAIgent is a web service based upon the RESTful architecture designed to work with any Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that supports RESTful services.
  Working with xAIgent Metadata Extraction Web Service  
  The following discussion illustrates how to incorporate the xAIgent service into a Visual Studio or REACT.js project. NOTE: the sample code presented here is taken from sample projects that are available for download. Please see the download section at the bottom of this discussion.  
  continue... https://xaigent.net/SampleCode.aspx
Solutions Schedule - End To End Supply Chain Visibility    


Special Offer Ending  
Save on Your Subscription  

Coming Up

    Studio Controls COM v7  
    Studio Controls COM 64 v7  
      Nine controls coming to the ctx family of Studio Controls COM / COM-64  

Southwest Fox Fall 2024

Southwest Fox 2024   Mark your calendars for the Annual editon of Southwest Fox  

September 26th to 29th - In-Person and Virtual

    Sign Up Today ! https://www.swfox.net  

DBI Product Services  


    Subscription products offer DBI component owners great value, online, 24 hours a day, when you need product support the most - we're there for you:  
Great Customer Service - DBI Technologies Inc.  * All component updates released during the subscription period
* All product upgrades released during the subscription period
* All bug fixes Released up to and during the Subscription period
* Direct access to the product’s Technical Support Team
* Online and Offline License Management including Transfers
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* Component backward compatibility
* Legacy Controls and Product Assistance
    Renew Any Expired Subscription License Today and Save!  


Have a Great Tagging Day !


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