dbiCalendarWPF  -  How To...
dbiCalendarWPF - Golf Tee Time Scheduling, Multi Column Day View, varial time lines
Key Features...
Three Custom Views
Direct Appt. Entry
Context Menus
Variable Time Ruler
Full Data Management
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Owner / User Drawn:
  Day formats
  Week summary
  Custom Areas
Data Collections
Grouping | Sorting
  by Appointment
  by Contact
  by Location
  by Task
  by Custom Column
  by Sub Group
dbiCalendarWPF - Multi Column Day View Golf Scheduling
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Binding the dbiCalendarWPF control to a database
The dbiCalendarWPF control encapsulates collections, methods, events, and properties that allow developers to bind the control to virtually any data source containing collaborative data, such as; appointments, contacts, locations, and tasks. At its heart, dbiCalendarWPF presents appointment information and provides a platform for end users to visually interact with that information.  dbiCalendarWPF manages 5 collections internally:
  • Appointments
  • Contacts
  • Locations
  • Tasks
  • Custom Areas
dbiCalendarWPF - Data Binding Objects: appointments, contacts, locations, tasks, custom areas
It is important to note that the Appointment Object encapsulates its own collections for Contacts, Locations, and Tasks, allowing for 0, 1, or many of any or all of those entities to be associated with an appointment. In other words, one appointment can be related to any number of Contacts, Locations, and/or Tasks. The "Data" collections on the Appointment Object are used to store the Data Objects that represent the database records for each Appointment -> Entity (Contact, Location, Task) relationship.
There are two scenarios to consider when binding the dbiCalendarWPF control to a database … the simple or single appointment entity scenario and the more complex multi-appointment entity scenario where the appointment entities refer to multiple locations, contacts, and/or tasks per appointment.
Single Appointment Entity Scenario
The data/object relationship that governs the binding of the dbiCalendarWPF control to a database revolves around the Add/Edit/Delete of appointments without the need for consideration of managing the one to many relationship between an appointment and its multiple Locations, Contacts, and/or Tasks. In this scenario any action on the appointment is recorded in a single record in the database and is reflected through the data object (DataRow) stored in the tag property of the dbiCalendarWPF->Appointment Object.
dbiCalendarWPF - Data Binding Single Appointment entity
Multi-Appointment Entity Scenario
The data/object relationship that governs the binding of the dbiCalendarWPF control to a database revolves around the Add/Edit/Delete of appointments including the effect of the actions on the relationships established between the appointment and multiple entities supported by the application. For example an appointment scheduling application that allows the scheduling of an appointment such as a meeting in more than one location. In this scenario any action other than the locations on the appointment is recorded in a single record in the database and is reflected through the data object (DataRow) stored in the tag property of the dbiCalendarWPF->Appointment Object. The Locations information for the appointment is recorded in an AppointmentLocations table that contains one record for each location the appointment is scheduled. The record (DataRow) for each AppointmentLocation entry in the database is stored in the Tag of an AppointmentData object in the dbiCalendarWPF Appointment's LocationData object collection.
dbiCalendarWPF - Data Binding Multi Appointment Entity
IMPORTANT NOTE: For an example of binding the dbiCalendarWPF control to a database please review the dbiCalendarWPFDatabindingDemo application and source code in the Product Manager -> Demos section.
Loading the control from a database
The dbiCalendarWPF control object collections are designed to represent the tables in which the objects are persisted as data. Accordingly the collections are loaded by reading in the associated tables. Appointments represent the time period assigned to a Task or Tasks and/or or to a resource or group of resources such as a Location(s) and/or a Contact(s).
Before adding appointments to the control, the developer should populate the Contacts, Tasks, and Locations collections with the data objects representing the data being scheduled in the calendar. In the ADO.NET architecture, table records (rows) are represented in memory by the DataRow object. In addition to the standard properties used to describe the Appointment, Contact, Location, and Task entities there are two key properties on each collection object in the control used to bind the objects to the database; EntryID and Tag.

The dbiCalendarWPF control defines a period of time over which collaboration data is presented. The time period is defined by a start and end date. As each record is processed from the database a new dbiCalendarWPF object is created, its properties are set to reflect the record in the object, and then the object is stored in the appropriate collection in the control. When the control is first instanced the start and end dates for the control are set. These values then become the base parameters for selecting appointment records from the database to load in to the control.
To load the Appointments from the database the developer selects all appointments that match the criteria set on the dbiCalendarWPF control (date range, Contacts, Locations, Tasks) and programmatically loops through the records creating a new dbiAppointmentItem object for each record. If the data environment requires multiple Contacts, Locations, and/or Tasks (Mult-Appointment Entity Scenario), the developer is required to create one object in the appropriate appointment entity collection (Locations, Contacts, Tasks) and one object in the appointment Data entity collection (ContactsData, LocationsData, TasksData) placing the record describing the relationship in the tag property of the AppointmentData entity object.
EntryID Property
The EntryID property is used to specify the value of the key field in the table representing the entity. For example the Appointments Collection Object -> EntryID field value stores the key field (unique) value of the Appointment Record in the Appointments Table.
Tag Property
The Tag property in the entity collection objects can be used to store any type of object however it is ideally suited to store the DataRow representing the record in the database that defines the entity.
Writing changes back to the database
Changes to an appointment are surfaced through events raised in the control at the time the user interacts with the dbiCalendarWPF control or an appointment in the control; for example creating, moving, using the built-in context menus, or selecting to delete an appointment. The key to reflecting these changes is to create, or identify and modify the data object(s) related to the appointment being created or changed. This is achieved by storing the DataRow associated with the appointment object in the tag property of the appointment object in the dbiCalendarWPF control. If the data environment requires multiple Contacts, Locations, and/or Tasks per Appointment the DataRow defining the relationship between the appointment and the entity is stored in the Appointment/Data collection (ContactsData, LocationsData, or TasksData) object's tag property. The presence of the DataRow allows the developer to reflect changes to the data at the time the changes occur to the appointment.
Adding an Appointment
When the user selects a time period in the control and begins typing the AfterAppointmentAdd event fires in the control. The "e" argument passed in to the event includes the appointment object created by the control. This allows the developer to create a new DataRow to reflect the new appointment object in the database and assign the new DataRow to the tag property of the new appointment object. This new DataRow can then be written back to the physical table via the DataSet managing the DataRow.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If the appointment is created with the control's AppointmentType set to a value other than Date, i.e. Contact, Location, or Task, and/or if Grouping is turned on in the control, the appointment will be created with a defaulted value in the Contact, Location, or Task collection based upon the column values in which the appointment was created. This requires the auto-created entry be reflected in the database at the time the appointment is created. In a Single Appointment Entity Scenario, this requires the assigning of the entities EntryID to the appropriate column in the DataRow. In a Multi-Appointment Entity Scenario, this requires a DataRow be created to reflect the addition of each of the appropriate entities (AppointmentType and GroupBy) to the appointment's entity collection(s). For example if the control's AppointmentType is set to Contact and the GroupBy is set to Location, then when the user adds an appointment through the UI, the Contact and Location assigned to the column will be automatically added to the appointment's Contacts and Locations collections respectively. The developer must then create a DataRow/Record in the appropriate table in the database to reflect the Contact and Location being added to the appointment. This DataRow is then assigned to the tag property of the AppointmentData object created to reflect the addition of the entity(s) to the appointment.
Editing (Changing) an Appointment
When the user selects to resize (change the start or end time) or move within a column or between columns, the control fires an AfterAppointmentChange event. The "e" argument passed in to the event includes the Appointment object being moved. This allows the developer to retrieve the data object (DataRow) stored in the tag property of the appointment to reflect the changes in the record of the table reflecting the state of the appointment object.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If the appointment is moved between columns and the control's columns are grouped in any way on Contact, Location, and/or Task then the control will automatically reflect changes to the appointment object's Contacts, Locations, and/or Tasks collections to reflect the move. The developer must then test for changes in these collections and modify the Appointment's ContactsData, LocationsData, and/or TasksData collections and respective Data Objects (DataRows) stored in the tag property of the AppointmentData objects in the collections.
Deleting an Appointment
When the user elects to delete an appointment via the built-in context menus the AfterAppointmentContextMenuChange event is fired in the control. The e.WasDeleted flag will be set to true to indicate that the user selected Delete Appointment from the menu. The Appointment Object in the control is passed in to the event in the e.Appointment argument, and from this the developer has access to the data object contained in the tag property of the appointment so it may be marked for deletion.
IMPORTANT NOTE: In the case of a Multi-Appointment Entity Scenario, the developer must first delete the Appointment->Entity relationship(s) on the appointment before deleting the appointment itself. The AppointmentData object representing a relationship between an appointment and an entity contains the data object to be deleted in its Tag property.
For additional helpful how to hints see the Developing With... topic items in the associated component help file.
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dbiCalendarWPF - Context Menu
Included:  golf course tee time scheduling demo shows direct interaction using the multi column day view a common presentation in this type of application
dbiCalendarWPF  -  Multi Column View w/ Context Menu
dbiCalendarWPF - Month View w/ Context
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