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Multi Select and Move Time Bars with Solutions Schedule COM

    ... Using Solutions Schedule COM v12.0 in a production scheduling application - is it possible to allow the user to select and move multiple time bars? Frequently, there is the need to "break into" an existing schedule and insert a run of a different product. As is common in many applications, is it possible for the user to use "Ctrl+" or "Shft+" clicking to select multiple bars to be moved? Another common example requiring multiple selection would be the movement of a series of time bars from one production line to another.

Great Question - Using a time bar style to indicate selected time bars and implementing the BarRightClick event to toggle the select on or off, the developer can emulate multi selection of a group of time bars. Once selected the developer can test for and programmatically move the group of time bars in relation to the horizontal / vertical movement of the selected time bars, as follows:
DBI Solutioins Schedule COM - How To Multi Select and Move TimeBars

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim myItemIndex As Long

    'Add an item to the list.

    myItemIndex = Me.ctSchedule0.AddItem("Item 1")

    'Add a time bar to the item.

    Me.ctSchedule0.AddTimeBar myItemIndex, 60, 120, Me.ctSchedule0.DateStart, Me.ctSchedule0.DateStart

    'Add an item to the list.

    myItemIndex = Me.ctSchedule0.AddItem("Item 2")

    'Add a time bar to the item.

    Me.ctSchedule0.AddTimeBar myItemIndex, 180, 240, Me.ctSchedule0.DateStart, Me.ctSchedule0.DateStart


    'Add an item to the list.

    myItemIndex = Me.ctSchedule0.AddItem("Item 3")

    'Add a time bar to the item.

    Me.ctSchedule0.AddTimeBar myItemIndex, 260, 320, Me.ctSchedule0.DateStart, Me.ctSchedule0.DateStart


    'Add an item to the list.

    myItemIndex = Me.ctSchedule0.AddItem("Item 4")

    'Add a time bar to the item.

    Me.ctSchedule0.AddTimeBar myItemIndex, 360, 420, Me.ctSchedule0.DateStart, Me.ctSchedule0.DateStart


    'Add an item to the list.

    myItemIndex = Me.ctSchedule0.AddItem("Item 5")

    'Add a time bar to the item.

    Me.ctSchedule0.AddTimeBar myItemIndex, 120, 180, Me.ctSchedule0.DateStart, Me.ctSchedule0.DateStart


    'Add a barstyle for selected time bars to the control.

    mySelectedBarStyleIndex = Me.ctSchedule0.AddBarStyle(20, 0)

    'Set its back color to green

    Me.ctSchedule0.StyleBackColor(mySelectedBarStyleIndex) = vbGreen


End Sub


Private Sub ctSchedule0_BarRightClick(ByVal nIndex As Integer, ByVal nBar As Integer)

'This event fires when a time bar receives a right mouse click.


    'Toggle the selected style on or off.

    If Me.ctSchedule0.BarStyle(nIndex, nBar) = mySelectedBarStyleIndex Then


        'Turn the bar style off

        Me.ctSchedule0.BarStyle(nIndex, nBar) = 0




        'Apply the selected bar style to the time bar receiving the right click.

        Me.ctSchedule0.BarStyle(nIndex, nBar) = mySelectedBarStyleIndex


    End If


End Sub


Private Sub ctSchedule0_BarSelect(ByVal nIndex As Integer, ByVal nBar As Integer)

'This event fires when a time bar is selected by left click on it.


    myBarSelectedItem = nIndex  'Store the item index for the time bar in the public variable.

    myBarSelectedBar = nBar 'Store the bar index for the time bar in the public variable.


    myBarStartTime = Me.ctSchedule0.BarTimeStart(nIndex, nBar)  'Store the Start Time of the time bar in the public variable.

    myBarStartDate = Me.ctSchedule0.BarDateStart(nIndex, nBar)  'Store the Start Date of the time bar in the public variable.


    myBarEndTime = Me.ctSchedule0.BarTimeEnd(nIndex, nBar)  'Store the End Time of the time bar in the public variable.

    myBarEndDate = Me.ctSchedule0.BarDateEnd(nIndex, nBar)  'Store the End Date of the time bar in the public variable.


    'NOTE: These public variables are used in the BarChanged event to determine how far the selected time bar travelled in order to update the other selected time bars.


End Sub


Private Sub ctSchedule0_BarChanged(ByVal nIndex As Integer, ByVal nBar As Integer, ByVal cKeyID As String, ByVal lTimeStart As Long, ByVal lTimeEnd As Long, ByVal lDateStart As Long, ByVal lDateEnd As Long)

'This event fires when a time bar is resized or moved horizontally.

Dim moveSelected As Boolean


    moveSelected = False


    'Check for a resize

    If (lTimeStart <> myBarStartTime) Or (lDateStart <> myBarStartDate) Then


        'The start time has changed

        'Test to see if the end time/date has changed

        If (lTimeEnd = myBarEndTime) And (lDateEnd = myBarEndDate) Then


            'The end has not moved therefore the bar is being resized on the front end.

            'Do not move the other selected time bars.

            moveSelected = False




            moveSelected = True


        End If


    End If


    If (Me.ctSchedule0.BarStyle(nIndex, nBar) = mySelectedBarStyleIndex) And (moveSelected = True) Then

        Dim myBarDateDiff As Long

        Dim myBarTimeDiff As Long

        Dim myBarLeftMove As Boolean


        'Calculate the number of days and minutes the bar has moved by comparing the time bar's final position (lDateStart and lTimeStart)

        'to its starting position (myBarStartDate, myBarStartTime).


        myBarDateDiff = lDateStart - myBarStartDate

        myBarTimeDiff = lTimeStart - myBarStartTime


        If myBarDateDiff < 0 Then


            myBarLeftMove = True




            If myBarTimeDiff < 0 Then


                myBarLeftMove = True




                myBarLeftMove = False


            End If


        End If


        'Apply the changes to the other bars with the same style

        For x = 1 To Me.ctSchedule0.ListCount   'Iterate through the items in the list.


            For y = 1 To Me.ctSchedule0.BarCount(x) 'Iterate through the bars in the item.


                If nIndex = x And nBar = y Then


                    'This is the bar being moved.

                    'Set the new start date and time in the public variables that track the bar moving.

                    myBarStartTime = lTimeStart

                    myBarStartDate = lDateStart

                    myBarEndTime = lTimeEnd

                    myBarEndDate = lDateEnd




                    If Me.ctSchedule0.BarStyle(x, y) = mySelectedBarStyleIndex Then

                        'The time bar is in a selected state.

                        'Update the start and end of the time bar according to the move of the time bar being moved with the mouse.


                        If myBarLeftMove Then


                            Dim myBarDuration As Long

                            Dim myBarDateDelta As Integer

                            myBarDateDelta = Me.ctSchedule0.BarDateEnd(x, y) - Me.ctSchedule0.BarDateStart(x, y)

                            myBarDuration = myBarDateDelta * 24 * 60 + (Me.ctSchedule0.BarTimeEnd(x, y) - Me.ctSchedule0.BarTimeStart(x, y))


                            Dim stopMovingBar As Boolean


                            stopMovingBar = False


                            'Set the new start and end times on the time bar


                            'Apply the number of days moved.

                            Me.ctSchedule0.BarDateStart(x, y) = Me.ctSchedule0.BarDateStart(x, y) + myBarDateDiff


                            If (Me.ctSchedule0.BarTimeStart(x, y) + myBarTimeDiff) < 0 Then


                                'The time bar moved over midnight

                                'Subtract a day and apply the time bar time difference.

                                Me.ctSchedule0.BarDateStart(x, y) = Me.ctSchedule0.BarDateStart(x, y) - 1


                                Me.ctSchedule0.BarTimeStart(x, y) = Me.ctSchedule0.BarTimeStart(x, y) + 1440 + myBarTimeDiff




                                'Apply the time bar time difference.

                                Me.ctSchedule0.BarTimeStart(x, y) = Me.ctSchedule0.BarTimeStart(x, y) + myBarTimeDiff


                            End If


                            Me.ctSchedule0.BarDateEnd(x, y) = Me.ctSchedule0.BarDateEnd(x, y) + myBarDateDiff


                            If Me.ctSchedule0.BarTimeEnd(x, y) + myBarTimeDiff < 0 Then


                                Me.ctSchedule0.BarDateEnd(x, y) = Me.ctSchedule0.BarDateEnd(x, y) - 1

                                Me.ctSchedule0.BarTimeEnd(x, y) = Me.ctSchedule0.BarTimeEnd(x, y) + 1440 + myBarTimeDiff




                                Me.ctSchedule0.BarTimeEnd(x, y) = Me.ctSchedule0.BarTimeEnd(x, y) + myBarTimeDiff


                            End If


                            'Test to see if the time bar being moved is before the start of the schedule.

                            If Me.ctSchedule0.BarDateStart(x, y) < Me.ctSchedule0.DateStart Then


                                'The time bar has been moved prior to the start of the schedule.

                                stopMovingBar = True




                                If (Me.ctSchedule0.BarDateStart(x, y) = Me.ctSchedule0.DateStart) And (Me.ctSchedule0.BarTimeStart(x, y) < Me.ctSchedule0.TimeStart) Then


                                    stopMovingBar = True


                                End If


                            End If


                            If stopMovingBar = True Then


                                'Make it appear that the time bar has hit the start of the schedule.

                                Me.ctSchedule0.BarDateStart(x, y) = Me.ctSchedule0.DateStart

                                Me.ctSchedule0.BarTimeStart(x, y) = Me.ctSchedule0.TimeStart


                                Me.ctSchedule0.BarTimeEnd(x, y) = Me.ctSchedule0.BarTimeStart(x, y) + myBarDuration


                            End If


                        Else    'Bar is moving right


                            'Apply the number of days moved.

                            Me.ctSchedule0.BarDateStart(x, y) = Me.ctSchedule0.BarDateStart(x, y) + myBarDateDiff


                            If Me.ctSchedule0.BarTimeStart(x, y) + myBarTimeDiff >= 1440 Then


                                'Time bar moved over midnight

                                Me.ctSchedule0.BarDateStart(x, y) = Me.ctSchedule0.BarDateStart(x, y) + 1

                                Me.ctSchedule0.BarTimeStart(x, y) = Me.ctSchedule0.BarTimeStart(x, y) - 1440 + myBarTimeDiff




                                Me.ctSchedule0.BarTimeStart(x, y) = Me.ctSchedule0.BarTimeStart(x, y) + myBarTimeDiff


                            End If


                            'Apply the number of days moved.

                            Me.ctSchedule0.BarDateEnd(x, y) = Me.ctSchedule0.BarDateEnd(x, y) + myBarDateDiff


                            If Me.ctSchedule0.BarTimeEnd(x, y) + myBarTimeDiff >= 1440 Then


                                'Time bar moved over midnight

                                Me.ctSchedule0.BarDateEnd(x, y) = Me.ctSchedule0.BarDateEnd(x, y) + 1

                                Me.ctSchedule0.BarTimeEnd(x, y) = Me.ctSchedule0.BarTimeEnd(x, y) - 1440 + myBarTimeDiff




                                Me.ctSchedule0.BarTimeEnd(x, y) = Me.ctSchedule0.BarTimeEnd(x, y) + myBarTimeDiff


                            End If


                        End If


                    End If


                End If






     End If


End Sub


    Have a Great Scheduling Day !  
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