Visualizing Enterprise Resource
Studio Controls
- dbiDigit  |
dbiDigit is an ideal
control for creating system interfaces
for instrumentation panels, data
acquisition, monitoring, process
management and Dashboard solutions. |
dbiDigit displays alpha-numeric characters
through a series of line segments. The
appearance of the characters is similar
to those found in digital displays such
as clocks and gauges. |
dbiDigit provides familiar and engaging
presentation capabilities.
dbiDigit displays real time results or
the textual progress of an activity -
ideal for technical, testing and data
acquisition system requirements. |
Special Effects : Display all numeric
and a subset of alphabetic characters in
a digital format or customize any
presentation with built-in User Drawn
: Developer defined presentation for
digital display color, height, width,
depth plus optional border styles, font
and current Windows styles and themes. |