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Customizing the Context Menu in DBI Calendar WPF  

dbiCalendarWPF includes a built-in Context Menu.  The menu is designed to enhance users navigation as well as direct Appointment editing functionality.

Developers can toggle the built in menu available for users by adjusting the ContextMenus Property.

The options available in the menu depend upon the setup of the control and the location of the Cursor inside the instance of the dbiCalendarWPF that governs the objects on which the menu is displayed.

Over an Appointment

When the cursor is over an Appointment and the context menu is triggered, it will contain an item specific to that appointment.

The text for the Appointment MenuItem will have a header reading "Appointment: " followed by the value of that appointments EntryID.

This MenuItem will also contain sub items for adjusting some values of the appointment.
The available options by default are:
1. A toggle for the AllDayEvent Property.
2. The ability to Add/Remove Contacts/Locations/Tasks from the Appointments collections. The options available are dependant on the values currently present inside those same collections on the dbiCalendarWPF itself.
3. The option to delete the appointment.

Over a CustomArea

When the cursor is over a CustomArea, the context menu will contain an item that says "Custom Area: " followed by the start an end time values for it.

The CustomArea menu item has two sub items, which allow the user to toggle properties of the CustomArea.

1. The first option is "DeadZone", which allows users to toggle if the CustomArea is considered a DeadZone or not.
2. The second option is to toggle the "Daily" property of the CustomArea.

ViewType = Daily

When the ViewType property of the control is set to Daily, there is a specific item added to the ContextMenu in regards to the Column where the menu was triggered.  This item is titled "Current Column" and will give users details on the Contact/Location/Task that are associated with the column.  These objects are associated with the column when the AppointmentType/GroupType is set to Contact/Location/Task.

The context menu will list three sub items, one for each possible object.  If any of those types of objects are associated with the column, additional details will be given as further sub items.

NOTE: The additional details available will depend on which properties of the object have been assigned values by the developer.

Always Present

A few details and options will always be available inside the context menu, as they affect the control globally regardless of the current settings.

1. The first item is the "Current Date and Time" menu item.  This informs the user the Date/Time in the calendar on which the menu was triggered from.

NOTE: when working in the Weekly or Monthly ViewTypes, the Time reported will always be 12AM (midnight) of the day.

2. The second item is labeled "Calendar".  As sub items to this, users will be able to change three different properties on the control. AppointmentType, GroupType and ViewType.

NOTE: If no ColumnTypes have been assigned to the control, the "Calendar" menu item will also display the current date range of the control.

Overriding the ContextMenu

If the default context menu does not suit your application, or if you simply wish to tweak it, there are several options available.

1. The first option is to completely turn off the default menu, by setting the ContextMenus Property to false.  This will disable the default menu completely and give you total control over the context menu.

2. The second option is to modify the context menu after it has been built but before it is displayed, using the AfterContextMenuBuilt Event. This event fires immediately after the menu has been built internally in the control but prior to its display. Here you can add your own additional menu items, or modify/remove any of the pre-built items that don't suit your application.

The following example will add an extra item to the context menu when ViewType = Daily, for generating a Daily Report.


Private Sub DbiCalendarWPF1_AfterContextMenuBuilt(sender As Object, e As Dbi.WpfControl.dbiCalendar.AfterContextMenuBuiltEventArgs) Handles DbiCalendarWPF1.AfterContextMenuBuilt
    Select Case Me.DbiCalendarWPF1.ViewType
        Case Dbi.WpfControl.dbiCalendar.enumViewType.Daily
            Dim DailyReportItem As New MenuItem
            DailyReportItem.Header = "Daily Report"
            AddHandler DailyReportItem.Click, AddressOf GenerateDailyReport
    End Select


 private void dbiCalendarWPF1_AfterContextMenuBuilt(object sender, Dbi.WpfControl.dbiCalendar.AfterContextMenuBuiltEventArgs e)
     switch (this.dbiCalendarWPF1.ViewType)
         case Dbi.WpfControl.dbiCalendar.enumViewType.Daily:
             MenuItem DailyReportItem = new MenuItem();
             DailyReportItem.Header =
"Daily Report";
             DailyReportItem.Click +=
new RoutedEventHandler(GenerateDailyReport);


The context menu will now look like this:


As always, take care and have a great day!

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