for Enterprise
Application Design |
ctCPick is a compact color selection
control - a great alternative to the
common color dialogue box. Pls, ctColor
Picker is a much simpler and quicker
control to implement than the Microsoft
common color dialogue box. |
ctCPick is automatically hidden when the
user selects one of the 48 colors or
when the color picker loses focus. |

Display Method : Invoke the
color picker from script.
Color Click Event : Report the
long value of the selected color and the
pallet's index value for the selected
Default Color : Specify
a default color. |
Position Properties :
Specify the position of the color
picker's pallet when invoked. The color
pallet may be made to appear relative to
the cursor, to an associated control, or
to a position on the screen. The
palettes position can also be adjusted
by custom offset properties. |
Color Property (1-48) :
Specify one of the displayed colors in
the color palette. |